NeXT Computers: Another legacy venture by Steve Jobs!

NeXT Computer presented by Blackhole Inc

We buy, sell, trade, upgrade and refurbish NeXT 68K Hardware,

We also buy/sell NeXTSTEP Software, promotional items, books, manuals, magazines and peripherals .

Sir Tim Berners Lee – Invented the World Wide Web using NeXTSTEP Developer tools on his NeXT Cube  at Cern . Sir Tim’s Bosses at CERN didn’t think it was good idea.

We integrated the NeXT Cube show cased center stage by him at the 2012  opening  ceremonies of the Olympic Games in London.

Story is here

Sir Tim wrote a special printer driver for NeXT so when he typed it in , it lights up the giant fonts spelling out “this is for everyone” in real time using audience participation!

I had previously repaired and refurbished Sir TBL’s NeXT Cube when he was

President of the World Wide Web Consortium at MIT ; another fun project for me.

Check out hundreds of my NeXT World projects on my you tube channel


Black Hole, Inc. Mission since 1993

Black Hole, Inc. main focus for over 30 years has been providing our niche  NeXT customers. mission critical  NeXT 68K hardware and software solutions .

We have covered all platforms NeXTstep has supported  68K, Intel, HP PA Risc and Sun and I have worked with Apple directly on many NDA endeavors.

I also really enjoy tinkering with vintage Apple Hardware as well and have plans for an upcoming NeXT oniine display of some cool NeXT history.

We are always looking for NeXT hardware to save, repair, refurbish and restore and have thousands of happy customers ,  we are the last full time shop carrying the NeXT torch for the community.

if you have NeXT Hardware you would like to buy, sell, trade or repair please let us know

and specifically  if you are interested in purchasing NeXT products or any of the above,

Fastest way to reach me by email directly Rob Blessin  or text 303-741-9998 or leave a voice mail , if I don’t answer 🙂

Subject of Email :  NeXT then a brief description of what you would like to do .

If you are a spammer please note lol send email to this includes SEO, Offers on how to make money , web services spam and any thing that does not involve NeXT business put in the subject line SPAM.

I believe that our NeXT customers deserve our full attention and I have a very busy schedule helping them , please respect our time 🙂

I absolutely love my job because you my NeXT customers have made it very fun , it has been an honor to work with the growing NeXT community for over 30 years and I know the feeling is mutual 🙂

NeXT Computer History and Sales:

After leaving Apple in 1985, Steve Jobs founded a new company called NeXT, Inc. which unveiled
its first product, the NeXT CUBE Computer, at a gala event in San Francisco October 12, 1988. The NeXT combined powerful for the day 68K hardware in a magnesium case integrated with the true gem the NeXTSTEP User Interface and NeXTSTEP Object Oriented Developer Tools.

If you have never used NeXTstep  , you can now take NeXTSTEP for a free test drive in your WEB Browser over at along with all the early versions of MacOS .

(Yet Another NeXT Community and Customers jaw dropping project)!

Please Bookmark as I’m sure you will want to return again and again lets do some business!. is one of the webs longest running web stores,  since 1993

and I am going to return links here to my legacy vintage pages . To my web page designer hey, I miss them and as I own the company they need to return IMHO.

Why? They are fun to look back at historically and to see the evolution of the web evolved in the foot print of the Black Hole in a story format .

When I started the business Black Holes were still only a theory in Physics and Astronomy , one of my customers is   Kip Thorne , one of the worlds foremost authorities on Black Holes .  Kip laughed when he needed a hard to find scanner driver SCANTASTIC for his NeXT mono Turbo with HSD Scanner and yes I had it.

We also have a long standing eBay store , just search  Computerpowow Black Hole or Inside NeXT a must have book.   The eBay Store is  always up and running with many NeXT products and 1000’s of positive reviews ,it works.  I have an excellent reputation out there, google Black Hole and Rob Blessin or ask around, you will hear it  and I will do my best to maintain it:

Who is ready to buy out there or just kick the tires?

Feel free to simply email me at

and I will be happy to let you know what I have in stock and I can do a line item Paypal quote and sell you NeXT products directly until the quirks are worked out with the updated site.

Or make recommendations on where to go.

We also have to be realistic as it is 2024, so some items are becoming very hard to find but we are inventing alternate solutions for you to provide working NeXT’s to fill in the blans.

I’m reasonable on pricing as it has been 30 years  but I have to cover overhead and some part time helpers. The Cost for everything has increased as you know and my pricing may be a little higher on some items but I know they work and you will to, NeXT’s are finicky.

I’m fortunate to be working with many talented hardware and software engineers ,many of them EX NeXTies and we are inventing amazing solutions to help keep the good old NeXT hardware tuned up and running. They are happy to have me as a reseller for their products as they often are very busy with their primary jobs!

I love it all so much and with my health issues this let’s me work at a comfortable pace, much needed as I having hip replacement surgery (Fractured hip and I’m still working, thanks to all of you, end of July can’t come soon enough.

Once more, if you need help getting your NeXT up and running ,I recommend dropping me an email and I will offer free advice about your NeXT awakening . All I as is with in reason and normal business hours , Mountain Standard Time please note I am a night owl so afternoons and evenings are best as it is hectic during the day business is booming.

I will help explain how to awake your NeXT from its hibernation safely , even if you are a newby, I’ll make a video on this as well.

I already have 700 videos and counting on NeXT projects on my channel , I’m getting better at making them as well, how to do and don’t  for NeXT so many of my customers projects are documented now as I show them te system before shipping, it has been amazing for me, it also helps in case of damage from mishandled shipping . We pack everything well but can not control the handling.

NeXT Customers really enjoy seeing their NeXT systems come back to life a personal touch. I go so far as to try and match my little NeXT’s up with the customer based on it past history and the new proud owners plans .  Call me crazy but these NeXT machines are special and seem to have unique personalities . 🙂

How deep is a NeXT owners love for their NeXT system for some it is the only computer they have ever owned and gave them a head start in many of their current endeavors.

I’m going to have a section here at Black Hole eventually where they will be able to have a page and tell you about there experience using NeXT hardware.

I have had many customers through the years shed tears of happiness and also I’m sad with them when they have made the decision to part with them via downsizing.

Some have even returned a few years later to buy them back , one customer 4 times calls me the most reliable vendor he has ever had  lol usually when feeling nostalgic and the coast is clear for operation sneak a retro NeXT in or I have a few NeXT’s  in emergency storage ahem when the retro cleaning bee strikes or shit hits the fan , this to shall pass, I know nothing , these are not the droids you seek.

It is often real emotional as well when I have picked up equipment , or sent my dad on missions back in the day , ha he is 89 now and ready to roll still as it was fun for him to take a break from flying DC 10’s good times, in retirement my mom has him on a short leash.

I also can talk customers how to pack everything up and send UPS call tag labels to make it easy for them.

I stand by the equipment I sell as well .

When Customers have brought the equipment to me and I am able to recover everything for them or they are ready to down size , it is fun and they enjoy seeing all the NeXT’s here and have been quoted as saving their lives. As when everything is on a NeXT and it crashes not many options to recover it.

I’m writing all this narrative because I want to take back over the lead on my Web page direction and message again and have better control of the business and provide direction as it should be, I have gone from a few messages a day year in and out to nothing . I’m can only do so much the ordering bottle neck is not cutting it for me or the customers and simply the orders should forward to my email , I laugh because spam gets through daily , so if you need to get a hold of me simply email and or text 303 741 9998 until it is finally fixed.

Once MORE :

Black Hole is currently being updated again,  the simplest solution is just an email, text to 303-741-9998 and we can arrange for a phone call or face time .

I just want to get back to having it simply be easy for my customers to get a hold of me  Rob Blessin President of Black Hole, Inc. with out having to bloody log in and check a file,  how hard can this be I’ve been really really patient with the updated website process and it is time to take action and I’ve have the right guys that will get her done.

WHY have a simply contact method? Are you tired like I am of having to deal with AI call control centers for everything, double, triple authentication  captcha BS…. and excuses why it has to be a complicated make extra work way, I’ve been doing this over 30 years  and this overly complicated business process for customers to simply register and actually purchase products from me . Well me to ,  I hear a slow clap  .  Rant Concluded , I will omit a lot of  this narrative once it is streamlined . I’m about to go in and do it myself … stay tuned , I have so much on my plate and this was delegated and paid for  granted some of it is great Rome wasn’t built in a day. We shall see.

If you would like to help keep the lights on here at Black hole only after I’ve helped you please buy stuff from me or if you would lie to just donate , I prefer you helping the NeXT community and by all means feel free to join the NeXT community at and or next computer enthusiasts on facebook hopefully it won’t be a pain in the butt as well lol.  If it is let me know and I’ll help make it happen.

If you want to buy me a cup of coffee just send it to my paypal  , my assistants we are all in our 60’s and actually enjoy working and need to eat lol.

So I am signing off here, going to take a well deserved nap, have you ids stay off my code 🙂  . Best regards Rob Blessin


It would be nice to know where the following is sited from oh web designer from the other side of the pond ,  please …..only to ten realize , I think I may have written this many years ago as like the NeXT computers I to am aging 🙂

The NeXT Computer. based on the Motorola 68030 processor running at a screaming 25 MHz and coupled it with the first built-in Digital Signal Processor.  NeXT’s system software was designed to rival the  best offerings of the Macintosh and PC:

NeXT Computer used the rock-solid UNIX operating system and added its own elegant, proprietary graphical user interface.  NeXT Computer was also the first computer company to ship a built-in 256 MB magneto-optical storage medium.  Boasting a high-resolution display, built
in Ethernet, CD-quality sound, and multimedia e-mail, the NeXT Computer was packaged in a
stunning one-foot by one-foot black magnesium cube.

Black hole , Incorporated is a one stop shop and the world’s best resource for procuring

NeXT legacy 68K and intel hardware , with HP PA , Sun and a little vintage Apple

NeXTSTEP Operating System , Developer tools

Openstep  OS and Dev and

NeXT 3rd party software ,

offering an alternative to the Windows computing universe, since 1993.

We hope to have a NeXT cube booting in 2088!

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